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“Christian Rosicrucian and His Mission” is an audiobook that reveals much knowledge previously kept secret by the mystery schools.

Listening attentively to such a book can only inspire us with deep respect. Christian Rosicrucian is one of the great masters of the West.

This book opens the doors to a global spirituality, we then understand the different links on a subtle level of the spiritual masters of humanity.

How are Christian Rosicrucians and Gautama Buddha related?

How are the Rishis of India closely related to the mission of Christian Rosicrucians? What role did Francis of Assisi play?

The knowledge covered requires us to demonstrate great responsibility on our inner path, recalling the adage of one of the Rosicrucian Masters:

"Knowing for the sake of knowing is like poor indigence,

And in the surf of thought that has become the memory of a life spent

is only a paltry shadow of the promised word"

MP3 Christian Rosicrucian and his mission

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